
Search results

  1. Saba secures grants for food waste conversion research

    CAPPS is designed to foster partnerships between industry and universities for the mutual benefit of ...

  2. Anne E. Dorrance

    ML; Taylor, CG; McHale, LK; Dorrance, AE. 2016. High-Density Mapping of Resistance QTL Toward ... 50: 2476-2492. Acharya, B., Lee, S., Rouf Mian, M.A., Jun, T., McHale, L.K., Michel, A.P., and ... S, Freewalt KR, McHale LK, Song Q, Jun T-H, Michel AP, Dorrance AE, Mian MAR  "A high resolution ...

  3. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste

    represented a range of ages, household incomes and education levels, and most had insurance. On average, the ... used simulations to show that reducing population-level food consumption can lower energy costs, ...

  4. Keep your Thanksgiving feast safe

    from the “danger zone” of temperatures between 40- and 140-degrees Fahrenheit, where bacteria can ...

  5. Melanie Medina

    Melanie Medina Patrick S. Osmer PhD Fellow (Benitez) Selby Hall, ... shift with plant parasitic nematode abundance in soils.  agriRxiv. CABI International agriRxiv. ...

  6. Building resilience: Supporting mental health in Ohio's farming community

    strategies can significantly alleviate stress levels. Taking a brief walk, practicing deep breathing ...

  7. David L. Coplin

    BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 50(3): 518-522. Jong Hyun Ham, Doris R. Majerczak, Kinya Nomura, Christy Mecey, ...

  8. Dr. Logan Minter Dr. Logan Minter grew up in rural Pike County, Ohio and graduated from Piketon High School. His ...

  9. Preparing for the fall in a season of drought

    right level. To ensure there is no dry material concentration to catch on fire. mow once high to get it ... to your annual pumpkin picking, be mindful that all across Ohio we are experiencing varying levels of ... minimize the fire risk, which can lead to loss of personal property. Maintenance When parking on grass, ...

  10. Empowering youth: Ohio delegation takes part in 30th Global Youth Institute

    CFAES News COLUMBUS, Ohio — In a celebration of leadership and innovation, five exceptional high ... students from Dublin Coffman High School in Dublin, Ohio: Zara Iqbal, a junior, and Amelie Anderson and ...
