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Effects of Lime and Gypsum Application on Vegetable Yields and Nutrient Availability in Muck Soil
to keep organic soils at a target pH of 5.3 to minimize the risk of micronutrient deficiencies ... state that the optimal pH range of muck soils should be between 5.3 and 5.8, depending on the crop ... The application of lime had no effect on soil test phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) values, but the ...
Full List of 2024 Publications
in a highly weathered soil?, Soil and Tillage Research, Volume 244, 2024, 106179, ISSN 0167-1987, ... Changes in Soil Properties and Bacterial Communities in Rotational Shifting Cultivation Fields in Northern ... trace metals, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages ...
Fertility Management of Meadows
nutrition, forage test to check for adequate levels. When the soil pH is below 5.0, aluminum availability ... critical soil test level of 15-25 parts per million (ppm) phosphorus for Bray P1 test results or 28-40 ppm ... leaching. The critical soil test levels for potassium are 125-200 ppm. Plants have the ability to take up ...
Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio
maintain soil test levels appropriate for winter wheat production. Table 2 (click to download PDF). ... For example, hard red winter wheat should have a medium to high protein content of 10% to 13% (U.S. ... States, wheat is divided into six classes based on bran color (red or white), protein content (hard = high ...
Buckeye Grilling Series- Steak
Department of Animal Sciences, 2029 Fyffe Rd, Columbus, OH 43210 COST: $150 (includes dinner Thursday night, ...
Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist
(OBCP). The OBCP is a partnership between the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, ...
Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts
50 ppm, increased levels of keratoconjunctivitis and tracheitis have been observed. These trachea and ... causes high ammonia levels inside animal production buildings, especially in winter months when the ... concentrations. People begin to detect odors at 5–50 ppm. Irritation to mucous surfaces occurs at 100–500 ppm ...
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
in soil for five or more years. It is important to remove as much root as possible since garlic ... not compost! Garlic mustard can also be cut a few inches above the soil surface just after the flower ... the size of the infestation, site conditions (topography, soil moisture, etc.), and access to and ...
SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds
America migrate twice annually between breeding and non-breeding grounds. These migrations are a time of ... relatively high mortality for many birds species that are also experiencing long-term populations declines. ... attraction of migrating birds to ALAN causes migrating birds to stopover in high densities along the fringes ...
Sours receives Drake Institute grant for global sustainability instruction
academic programs, elevating them to the institutional level, and improve learning experiences for our ...