
Search results

  1. Patricia Brundige is the newest inductee in the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    level provide the youth of today with opportunities to become leaders of the future.” Brundige has also ...

  2. Prochaska supports water access project in Tanzania, uses scholarship to aid funding

    get it to the level of implementation," he said. "The projects we're working on are ...

  3. Preparing for the future: Hoisington siblings thrive in Ohio 4-H workforce prep event

    proud mother, Amber Miller Hoisington. Brin-Leigh, a high school sophomore with aspirations in animal ... accepted for the position. Interviewing is a great skill, and I highly recommend doing the Workforce Prep ... the Intermediate level," Amber said. "As for Djouby, who came to our family from Haiti just ...

  4. Homesteading Conference Oct 26, 2024, Boone County KY

    Getters: Small Ruminants on the Homestead, Hogsteading: The Pasture Pig Playbook, Composting & Soil ...

  5. Dhakal and Katari receive ASABE Presentation Excellence Awards

    that demonstrate excellence in content, delivery, and impact, showing a high level of expertise and ... a student, it is incredibly rewarding to be recognized at the national level for my presentation," said ...

  6. Foundation Board

    2024. Applicants should be alumni of Ohio 4-H between the ages of 21 and 30. This is a three-year term ... members between the ages of 14 and 18 as of Jan. 1, 2025. This is a two-year term running from Jan. 1, ...

  7. Dairy Cattle Acknowledgments

     thanks to all of our coaches, volunteers, and parents thank you for placing such a high educational value ...

  8. Teen Hall of Fame

    individual for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program.  Nominee must be between the ... Induction into the Teen Hall of Fame is meant to be thought as a very high honor for youth who are selected. ... community, country, and world. Nominee must be between the ages of 15 and 18 as of January 1 the year they ...

  9. Ohio youth compete in the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships

    (Allen County) placed fifth in the 50-Yard Bullseye for Muzzleloading competition and Aaron Johnson ...

  10. Lorrayne Miralha

    aligned, may lead to high-quality water for all. Her work has focused on Uncovering the linkages between ...
