
Search results

  1. FABE hosts international colleagues from China

    that help reduce stormwater runoff by allowing it to be reabsorbed into the soil, while also filtering ... explained Joey. "Chinese homes are mostly high-rise buildings, and those buildings are built by ... group attended a Master Rain Gardener class at Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and ...

  2. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

    levels can indicate surface water influences directly on groundwater. 16.00 ppm mg/L ppm Nutrient ACTION ... GENERAL INFORMATION Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is an indicator test commonly used to indirectly ... IS OPTIONAL Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the ...

  3. Ph.D. Candidate receives CREF university scholarship

    resistance, can support farmers. The compost was tested on both sand-based soil and high clay-based soil to ...

  4. Well Water Interpretation Tool Dissolved gas Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) mg/L ppm Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2 S) mg/L ppm Methane (Dissolved ... in water) mg/L ppm Field parameter pH pH Specific Conductivity umhos/cm uS/cm Total Dissolved Solids ... (TDS) mg/L ppm Total Suspended Solids mg/L ppm Turbidity NTU Inorganic major constituent Alkalinity mg/L ...

  5. Nitrate (as N)

    MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Nitrate levels were detected in your water sample to ... sample but do not exceed the maximum contaminant level. 0.09- 0.6 Values above 2.0 ppm indicate surfaces ... agriculture or where there is a high density of septic systems. HEALTH ADVISORY Infants below the age of six ...

  6. Alkalinity

    does not pose a direct health risk. AESTHETIC EFFECTS High alkalinity (above 500 mg/l) is usually ... 400.00 ppm mg/L ppm Inorganic major constituent ACTION IS RECOMMENDED   Alkalinity levels were detected ... hardness it may indicate the elevated levels of chloride, nitrate, or sulfate. HEALTH EFFECTS Alkalinity ...

  7. Total organic carbon (TOC)

    Trihalomethanes for more information. mg/L ppm Nutrient ACTION IS OPTIONAL Total organic carbon levels were ... chlorinated organics may contribute to systhetic sources.   Higher levels of TOC suggest water quality ... impact.  Total organic carbon provides a medium for the formation of disinfection byproducts.  These ...

  8. Cornish receives 2024 Charles Goodyear Medal

    between the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) and the Department of ...

  9. Jay F. Martin

    socio-economic analyses with stakeholder groups to investigate connections between downstream water quality and ... outreach projects 1) $18M USDA-NRCS study to evaluate the ability of high adoption rates of agricultural ... farmers, to identify fields with elevated nutrient levels where management practices will be installed and ...

  10. ATI-Soil Water Conservation- ENGTECH 2040T

    Lang,Forrest Michael, ATI instructor Repeats every week every Monday and every Wednesday and every Friday until Fri May 03 2024. Monday, January 8, 2024- 10:15am to Friday, May 3, 2024- 11:15am Wednesday, January 10, 2024- 10:15am to Sunday, May 5, 2024- ...
