
Search results

  1. Miralha to lead $4.9 million grant project to train water industry workforce in Ohio

    management, risk assessment, watershed sciences, environmental compliance, environmental justice, and data ... levels. “Our goal is to provide opportunities for those who are looking at the next stage in their ... experts (32%) by 2029. “The four counties were also chosen because they are under distress due to high ...

  2. AEDE Majors and Minors

    Development  or International Development.  Since EEDS is a joint major between our department and the School ... EEDS is a joint program between our department and the  School of Environment and Natural Resources ... resource economics and benefit-cost analysis for addressing issues such as soil and water conservation, ...

  3. Agricultural Land Lost to Development

    between 2001 and 2021.  The NLCD defines several categories for developed land – high, medium, and low ... land in farms declined by 6.4% between 2002 and 2022.  One number that is concerning to agricultural ... Statistical Areas had among the largest percentages of agricultural land loss to development (as high as 93% ...

  4. Specialization/Research Areas

    remote sensing, soil erosion, irrigation, reservoir sedimentation, and the development of techniques to ...

  5. Degree Options

    Our department allows for one-on-one learning and research interactions between faculty and ...

  6. ASABE Student Branch

    Technologies Power and Machinery Soil and Water Structures and Environment Ergonomics, Safety and Health Forest ...

  7. New Study Reveals How Hospital Modernization Improved Health Outcomes and Reduced Racial Inequality

    and a 60% increase in high-quality physicians. These changes contributed to a lasting enhancement in ... healthcare capacity and quality. The study also highlights the complementarity between hospital modernization ... high-quality medical care are, which underscores the critical importance of maintaining the last available ...

  8. “The United States’ Challenge(s) to Canada’s Dairy Import Tariff Rate Quotas: What is all the Fuss About?”

    dispute between the US and Canada over the latter's use of dairy tariff rate quotas (TRQs). Ian ...

  9. Erdal Ozkan

    and test procedure.   Transactions of the ASAE 34(6):2309-2316. Ozkan, H.E., D.L. Reichard, K.D. ... Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 173-190. Zhu, H., D.L. Reichard, ... prediction of wear rates in agricultural sprayer nozzles.  Journal of Testing and Evaluation, pp. 372-379. ...

  10. Khanal to lead agricultural technology research and training program in Nepal

    toward measuring and analyzing GHG emissions and other soil and crop data for effective nutrient ...
