
Search results

  1. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

    individuals only, NO TEAMS. All levels of experience are welcome.   Primary Contact: Dr. Kimberly Cole Animal ...

  2. The Big Data Confusion: Part 6 – Transparency and Consistency

    Simply, the terms and conditions of the contract or agreement between and Ag Technology Provider (ATP) and ...

  3. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference: Another Successful Year

    management, using automated milk feeders for calves, variation in feed composition, and feeding high moisture ...

  4. Small Grains Field Day

    Extension Soil Fertility Specialist Reduced Lignin Alfalfa: Getting More with Less, Angie Parker OSU Forage ...

  5. Wheat Heading Growth Stage

    about 50% of the head is out of the leaf sheath then you are at Feekes 10.3; 7- If about 75% of the head ...

  6. President Gee 'Greatly Valued 4-H Experience'

    is among the most highly experienced, respected and recognized leaders in higher education. And he ...

  7. AgricultuHER “Finding Your Voice”

    has been an advocate for agriculture locally and at the state and national levels. All three speakers ...

  8. Stink bugs in Soybeans

    will begin our surveys this week. Please let us know of any fields that might have a high number of ...

  9. Late Season Soybean Insects

    prevent pod damage from bean leaf beetle is based on the level of insect injury observed on the pods. ...

  10. Media Advisory: Sudden Temperature Drop’s Impact on Gardens

    garden with the sudden drop in temperatures. Early temperatures were forecast for a high of 70 degrees in ...
