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TWEL Ian Ausprey Thesis
depressed in urban landscapes, few studies have tested this assumption. To understand how urbanization ...
Canner Testing
Canner Testing
Canner Testing- Cancelled
Canner Testing
Canner Testing
Ohio Does It Again!
Once again, Ohio claimed the win for the national 4-H Raise Your Hand campaign. We'd like to provide a huge thank you to all of the alumni, volunteers and friends who got Ohio to the top spot. After trailing Nebraska by 83 votes in the week before ...
From Pigs to People: Identifying a Threat
Research at the Food Animal Health Research Program (FAHRP) in collaboration with Utrecht University in the Netherlands identified a pig virus with the potential to spread to people. ...
Detecting Food Fraud
The FDA ruled that the food industry must get rid of partially hydrogenated oils from human foods back in 2015 and gave the industry three years to do so. Now that the deadline is drawing near, how will anyone be able to tell what foods still contain the ...
We Want to Hear from You!
Did you take part in a study abroad opportunity? Tell us about where you went and what it meant to you. ...