
Search results

  1. June Plantings, Quarterly Stocks Reports Generally Bearish

    that high prices cut demand. We probably saw it in both domestic and export markets, though data to ... when prices are high, customers use less, and I think that's what we saw in this report." ...

  2. OSU South Centers Celebrate 20 Years with Open House Sept. 15

    soil, water and bioenergy crop trials; and business incubation.   "We will recount past projects ...

  3. Dean's State of the College- Columbus, Ohio & Online

    Dean Cathann A. Kress will deliver her 2018 State of the College Address on Oct. 31 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. ...

  4. Museum of Biological Diversity Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    Enjoy a day of exploration and discovery at the OSU Museum of Biological Diversity. The event is free and open to the public. There will be hands-on activities for all ages, live animals, and a chance to tour the collections.  More information on the muse ...

  5. Environmental film series

    20 through Nov. 24 in the U.S. Bank Theater in Ohio State’s Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St. in Columbus. ...

  6. Late Blight Got Your Tomatoes/Potatoes? Learn about Symptoms, Management

    that prevailed in most of Ohio this week: nights in the 50s F and days in the 70s F, accompanied by ... purplish-black. During periods of high humidity and leaf wetness, a cottony, white mold growth is usually visible ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Engineering Team Places at National Contest

    Arkansas, Florida, Delaware, Maryland, Mississippi and Wisconsin. Each contest included a written test on ...

  8. Cornish Appointed as Endowed Chair in Bio-based Materials at OARDC

    to promote collaborations between public and private universities and industry partners throughout ... even further the connections between OARDC and OSU’s main campus, as well as with the University ...

  9. Hidden Gems of Secrest Tour- Wooster, Ohio

    Put on your walking shoes and join us for a guided adventure to the outer reaches of Secrest Arboretum.  Paul will introduce you to the far corners and hidden treasures most visitors overlook.  This is a tour you won't want to miss!  More information ...

  10. Chow Line: Enjoy dried fruit, but watch portions (for 4/24/11)

    about 90 calories; and dried apricots or bananas have about 80 calories. Dried apples have just about 50 ...
