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Create or Update Your Official Email Signature
Whether you’re new to Extension or a seasoned professional, right now is a good time to make sure your email signature reflects the current university brand. ...
Spring Suicide Prevention Training Opportunities for Extension Personnel
Anyone can help prevent suicide by learning the risks, warning signs, and how to intervene. REACH © is ...
Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station
area producers called the Golden Rule Association purchased and donated 15.5 acres of prime muck soil ... vegetable crops grown in both muck and mineral soils in northern Ohio including lettuce, radishes, parsley, ... continually test new fungicides and bactericides for their efficacy against profit-cutting diseases. Emphasis ...
Thoughts from the Director
I want to pass along some general expectations for balancing life and work in Extension that I shared during the Ohio JCEP (Joint Council of Extension Professionals) meeting earlier this week. ...
North Central Agricultural Research Station
grower needs, combing this resistance with fruit-quality traits emphasizing high-value consumer products, ... chemistry for effectiveness; test seed treatments and new application equipment and technologies; and look ... effective fertilizer usage- as well as by finding new crops and varieties that are highly profitable for ...
Northwest Agricultural Research Station
region's soils pose production challenges due to their high clay content and extremely flat topography. ... Ohio State scientists continue to assist area farmers with their unique soil and production issues, ... production, with nearby counties also ranking highly- makes it a logical choice to study the challenges facing ...
PILD Proposals are due by Oct. 15
issues at the local, state, or national levels, including those that benefit black, indigenous, and ... for Extension across and between all land-grant universities (1862, 1890, and 1994). For more ...
Cybersecurity for You (C4U) Update
part of the solution to reduce the risk of cyber threats by visiting Cybersecurity for You at ...
Be Alert for Increased Email Phishing Attempts
risks, including: checking to see if you know the sender; identifying discrepancies between the sender ...
Youth-led Presentation on Muslim Americans to be Held on April 4 (rescheduled to April 6)
religion, and other identity-based topics. Following her introduction, a local high school student, ...