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March 2019 Highlights
event and the cost of the ticket is $50.00. If you have already registered and just want to purchase ...
OSU opens ambience-setting flavor-testing lab
:// ...
Jared Morrison
we don’t risk losing it? Once we have the final times, I can update you if you would like. Jared ...
Luis Rodriguez-Saona: Helping develop a test for fibromyalgia
OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team Awarded OSU Connect and Collaborate Grant
developing and following written food safety plans (FSP) are critical steps toward minimizing the risk of on ...
B. Barrick
202 Hi, Jim, Can I schedule Room 202 for a meeting this Thursday morning, the 9 th, between ...
G. Kaletunc
219 Hello Jim, Could you please reserve Room 219 between 9:30 and 11:00 am on Monday June 13? ...
FABE SEMINAR- Encouraging Synergies Between Human and Natural Systems
Encouraging synergies between human and natural systems: An essential step toward sustainability. ...
FDA & FOOD FACILITIES: To register or not to register?
contact the FDA on your behalf with your specific scenario for clarification. ...
Q&A with Dr. Ryan J. Winston
tools to solve global water challenges. I am looking forward to developing new graduate level courses ...