
Search results

  1. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: In Vitro Tests of Environmental Variables

    Kottman Hall. Amanda Warner will present In Vitro Tests of Environmental Variables on the Persistence of ...

  2. Besancon to complete internship with FLM+

    Norwayne High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, ...

  3. Emissions from Energy: Environment, Health, and Legislation- a presentation and round-table brown-bag discussion

    A joint seminar between the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering and the ...

  4. Associations between Riffles and Aquatic Biota following Lowhead Dam Removal: Implications for River Fish Conservation

    Danielle will present  Associations between Riffles and Aquatic Biota following Lowhead Dam Removal: ...

  5. EPN August 13, 2019. Air Quality Alert

      REGISTER HERE! AIR QUALITY ALERT! AN EPN VIDEO RELEASE & CONVERSATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA-BASED ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION   Air quality connects to all aspects of our lives and our communities. The central Ohio region fluctuates annually in its abilit ...

  6. Plant Power: Ohio Naturalist, Author to Speak on Protecting Ecosystems

    author in Ohio, Jim McCormac understands the risks we face and why it’s not too late to stem the tide.” ...

  7. Dual Degrees and Combined Programs

    need to be adhered to regarding overlapping course work between the two degree programs. Students ...

  8. CFAES’s Sullivan Nets Ohio State Distinguished Teaching Award

    backgrounds and bringing everyone up to the same level of understanding.” Joining the award presentation were ...

  9. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    furniture manufacturing sector has contracted.” The goal of the tour is to “show the connection between ...

  10. GA Resources

    September, portfolios due in February Office of Disability Services UCAT online At-Risk assessment training ...
