
Search results

  1. Ohio State University to Present Farm to School Workshops April 29, 30 and June 10

    connections with local producers The education connection-- taste tests, school gardens, farm trips, and more ...

  2. Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) in Western Ohio Red Clover Stands

    may be able to survive in the soil over 20 years. Controlling dodder with herbicides depends on the ...

  3. Stress Less This Holiday Season

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. “Expectations are high during the holidays, and trying to meet all of ...

  4. Soybean Stands-- Lots of Changes

    Phytophthora sanosmeana.  These will infect the roots when the soils are saturated and can cause brown to tan ...

  5. Super Berry Field Night to Provide Insight on Fruit Crops New to Ohio

    to have high antioxidant content and many health benefits, Gao said. The fruits’ health benefits have ...

  6. April 25 Forum to Focus on Increasing Ohio Farm to School Opportunities

    availability of more locally produced and nutrient-dense foods in our schools, at all levels.” “By feeding kids ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Planning Two Campus-Based Science Camps

    a treasure hunt using a GPS receiver; and test their engineering skills by building a hammock and a table. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-37

    lodging, emergence and test weight data are available. Single and multi-year agronomic data is currently ...

  9. Plan to Delist Gray Wolf Endangers Other Threatened Species, Researchers Find

    restoration is high, the service simply ignored this research and claimed that these areas are unsuitable ... under enormous pressure from the opposing sides of a highly contentious fight about wolves: hunters and ...

  10. Ohio State Coyote Expert to Be Featured on PBS Show 'Nature' Jan. 22

    whether they pose a risk to people and his long-term study in Chicago. Gehrt’s coyote research also has ...
