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Congratulations to the Quarter Scale Tractor team!
and test their tractors; and- Develop time management and multi-tasking skills as they balance their ...
Publications 2010-2011
Bonello P. 2011. Relationship between resistance to Phytophthora ramorum and constitutive phenolic ... Alissa B., Pierce A. Paul and Laurence V. Madden. 2010. Relationship between yearly fluctuations in ... Daniel A. Herms and Pierluigi Bonello. 2010. Effects of soil type, fertilization and drought on carbon ...
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) training
information on a proposal from the FDA that will revise requirements on water quality and testing, manure and ...
Fertilizer Applicator Certification Field Training
manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. If you hire a co-op or ...
Undergraduate News (click for more)
course geared for non-majors. Over 50 students each spring explore the impacts of fungi on society in ...
Managing "Pollen Drift" to Minimize Contamination of Non-GMO Corn
a distance of 40 to 50 feet, the number of outcrosses is reduced by 99%. Other research has indicated that ... cross-pollination between corn fields could be limited to 1% or less on a whole field basis by a separation distance ...
Meet Manny Barnes: a Leader in CSM and Beyond
a part of his high school’s football and wrestling teams. Upon graduating, however, he decided to step ...
Majoring in Construction Gets More Popular
of students in construction trades at four-year institutions grew 26.4 percent between spring 2016 ...
ASABE Fall Social
Tuesday, November 4th, 6-9pm Toos Under High Food will be provided ...
New Equipment Testing
219 Thursday, September 12, 2019- 9:00am to 10:00am ...