
Search results

  1. Workshops Focus on Planning for Your Farm’s Future

    actively plan for the future of the farm business,” he said. “In between sessions, farm families will be ...

  2. Volunteer Naturalists Are Certified, Celebrated and Ready to Serve

    topics, including ecological concepts, geology, soils, plants, forests, insects, aquatic life, ...

  3. Super Berry Field Night to Provide Insight on Fruit Crops New to Ohio

    to have high antioxidant content and many health benefits, Gao said. The fruits’ health benefits have ...

  4. Feb. 11 Program to Feature Blueprint Columbus, Water for the Americas

    Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. Details on the schedule and speakers are at ...

  5. Shale Energy Community Education Workshop Planned for Nov. 10

    Risk Management Education Center. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of Ohio State University's ...

  6. Integrated Pest Management- Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRS): East Africa

    to give farmers an alternative, more environmentally-friendly path for sustaining high agricultural ...

  7. MFC Group

    departmental, college, university, and national levels including OSU's Alumni Award for Distinguished ... conversion effort at multiple levels including in her department, on college-level committees in both the ...

  8. 2016 Tax School Available November and December in Multiple Locations Throughout Ohio

    intermediate-level courses that focus on interpreting tax regulations and changes in tax laws to help tax preparers, ...

  9. Ohio State University to Present Farm to School Workshops April 29, 30 and June 10

    connections with local producers The education connection-- taste tests, school gardens, farm trips, and more ...

  10. Ohio State Entomologist: Begin Scouting for Spring Pests at Planting Time

    at-ground level feeding injury, which occurs below the growing point, he said. Growers who find black ...
