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  1. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    Health Summer Institute which is a partnership that was recently created between the Ohio State ... Several of the health professionals that we interviewed mentioned that transmission between wildlife such ... among other risks. The treatment itself also consists of numerous painful shots in the stomach. While ...

  2. OSU Extension: ‘Superfruits’ Could Offer Ohio Growers Alternative Income Source; Workshop Set for Aug. 20

    berries are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Aronia, also called black chokeberry, is said to have more ...

  3. Chow Line: Focus on safety with mailed food gifts

    opened. It depends on several factors, including the product’s moisture content, its level of acidity, its ...

  4. Beef and Forage Field Night

    Soil Sciences: Making Successful Long-Term Hay and Pasture Seedings – Scott Payne, Manager, Jackson ...

  5. Ohio State Students Launch ‘Environmental ScienceBites’ iBook

    can cause deforestation, soil erosion and water contamination. “We really wanted to make this project ...

  6. Tips and Events for the Week of Aug. 13

    Details:  or 330-533-5538. 16 Southern Ohio Soil and Water Field Day,  5-9 p.m., Ohio State ...

  7. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference

    tillage information, but also serves as a valuable source of up-to-date Cover Crop and Soil Health ... CLM credits, including 10 hours of Nutrient Management and 10 hours of Soil & Water continuing ...

  8. Chow Line: When shopping, be smart about food safety

    That is, if food remains in the zone for 45 minutes between the time you put it in your cart at the ...

  9. Ohio State Entomologist: Warmer Weather Brings Need to Scout for Alfalfa Weevil in Ohio

    less in height can use a rescue treatment, he said. “Where alfalfa is between 12 and 16 inches in ...

  10. Downy Mildew and Bacterial Pustule on Soybean

    high, on the underside of the leaf is a necrotic spot (very small) with white “fuzz”.  This “fuzz” are ... bacterial pustule, with high humidity, spores would be present in the pustule, and the necrotic area around ...
