
Search results

  1. 12 Days of Experts: Take These Steps for Healthy Holidays

    and candy. Having tempting treats in the home tests your willpower, especially when you are stressed. ...

  2. Farm Science Review Utzinger Gardens Workshop Promotes Local Foods

    nutritional value?” The program, which is designed to create or increase connections between people who ...

  3. Western Agronomy Field Day is July 17

    soybean omission trial. Each afternoon discussion will be 50 minutes, which will allow participants time ...

  4. David L. Coplin

    BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 50(3): 518-522. Jong Hyun Ham, Doris R. Majerczak, Kinya Nomura, Christy Mecey, ...

  5. 12 Days of Experts: 9 Tips for Keeping a Christmas Tree Fresh, 4 Trees You Should Know (Slideshow)

    unheated garage or porch. ONLINE QUIZ: Test your knowledge of Christmas trees at ...

  6. Late fall herbicide treatments for cover crops?

    dicamba or 2,4-D around the time of planting due to risk of injury. Delay applications until cover has at ...

  7. Chow Line: Give thanks for great leftovers

    can multiply rapidly between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F, so limit the amount of time food is in ...

  8. Upcoming Events from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., on the university’s Columbus campus, 6:30 to 9 p.m. More information: ...

  9. Study Abroad Numbers Double at Ohio State's College of Food, Ag, Env Sciences

    percentage to close to 50 percent, according to Newlon.   "The change to semesters and the inclusion of ...

  10. Working Cover Crops into your Operation

    know more?  Maybe you have heard about how cover crops can improve soil health but need more ...
