
Search results

  1. Ohio State Entomologist: Begin Scouting for Spring Pests at Planting Time

    at-ground level feeding injury, which occurs below the growing point, he said. Growers who find black ...

  2. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Talk About Walnut Twig Beetle, Thousand Cankers Disease

    Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. She is involved with testing suspect walnut samples for TCD. ...

  3. FAMACHA Certification Workshop is June 28

    FAMACHA system uses a chart to match the animal’s eyelid color to anemia levels, which is an indication of ...

  4. New Assistant Professor of Avian Ecology

    Humboldt State University where he studied the relationship between habitat and reproduction in cowbirds. ... DC where where he studied interactions between birds and salmon during the largest dam removal in US ...

  5. Tips and Events for the Week of Sept. 3

    $50 per student by Sept. 4. Details: 14 A Day in the Woods: Timber Harvesting,  9 ...

  6. Workshops Focus on Planning for Your Farm’s Future

    actively plan for the future of the farm business,” he said. “In between sessions, farm families will be ...

  7. Applications of Network Science in Food Systems Research

    and at very diverse levels, ranging from the atomic and cellular to drug interactions, ecosystems and ...

  8. Ohio State University to Present Farm to School Workshops April 29, 30 and June 10

    connections with local producers The education connection-- taste tests, school gardens, farm trips, and more ...

  9. Celebrating Your Impact

    establishment of Youth Beat Radio, a program produced by students from Ohio State, central Ohio high schools and ... Mentors, the Crops & Soils Club and Alpha Sigma Upsilon Sorority. Early this January, she traveled to ... conferences, courses or testing to achieve relevant certifications, or continuing education. ​“It just makes ...

  10. Stress Less This Holiday Season

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. “Expectations are high during the holidays, and trying to meet all of ...
