
Search results

  1. EPN November Breakfast Club

    project consultants Calthorpe Associates. The model tests impacts of varying land use patterns to ...

  2. Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months

    members, Boy Scouts, middle schools, high schools, and other organizations is proving highly beneficial for ...

  3. 25 students receive American FFA Degree

    American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and ...

  4. Gypsy Moth 'Mating Disruption' Treatments to Begin in Eastern and Central Ohio

    a high number of gypsy moths were found: Hardin, Hancock, Jackson, Licking, Lucas, Marion, Muskingum and ...

  5. College to Honor Diverse Group of Notable Alumni, Advocates

    cash grain and 50-cow dairy operation to 3,500 acres. He formed New Vision Farms in 2010, managing ...

  6. Executive Committees

    CFAES and at the university level.   This committee also works to recognize SENR student leaders for ...

  7. Environmental Film Series Starts Oct. 20

    1739 N. High St. in Columbus. Admission is free and open to the public. Each film will be one hour ...

  8. OSU Extension Expert: Cold Weather Increases Livestock Energy Needs

    critical temperature for goats is generally considered 32 degrees and for sheep, 50 degrees, he said. “For ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Examine decision to live together beforehand

    there’s a big difference between making the decision to live together when there are still doubts about ...

  10. Research, Preparation Key to Getting Internships

    conversation with the company in order to create some good connection points between yourself and the company. ...
