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Your Kindness Changes the World
CFAES is dedicated to improving the world for you and everyone around you. As you consider your year-end giving, please consider making a gift to CFAES. Your gift gets us closer to a better world for everyone. ...
Dean Cathann A. Kress shares a holiday message for the CFAES community. ...
A Collaborative Look at Human and Animal Interaction
The new Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education recently opened on the Columbus campus. The initiative is a collaboration among CFAES, the colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Social Work and external partners including Buckeye Ranch ...
Introduction to Beekeeping in Defiance County
Defiance County Extension Office will introduce you to the ins and outs of beekeeping in this one-day class. Details here. ...
We Want to Hear from You!
Share with us your new year's resolution. What can make you stick to something more than sharing it with the entire CFAES community?! ...
December 2017
Wooster Science Cafe- Death by Dust?- Wooster, Ohio
The Wooster Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English! ...
Wooster Science Cafe- The Science of Culture- Wooster, Ohio
The Wooster Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English! ...
Grilling Class Series for Fathers and Kids in Butler County
WeGrill is a free program that brings dads (grandfathers, uncles or special friends) and kids together around food and fun! Fathers spend time connecting with their child while grilling and sharing a meal at each of the eight sessions. Extension staff wi ...
Communiqué October 23, 2013
using input from more than 50 residents and 15 businesses that will guide the planning efforts of the ... provides insights into the differences between certainty and clarity. He addresses some of the challenges ... make the difference between the success and failure of a group. Did you know there is an art and ...