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  1. Shale Energy Community Education Workshop Planned for Nov. 10

    Risk Management Education Center. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of Ohio State University's ...

  2. Hiking in the Four Corners

    fascinating region. This program is free and open to the public! Room 100, OSU Family Practice Northwood-High ... Bldg. 2231 N. High St., Columbus Ohio For more information go to ...

  3. Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers

    bioeconomy industry will need highly educated young people with excellent skills to work effectively in ...

  4. Feb. 11 Program to Feature Blueprint Columbus, Water for the Americas

    Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. Details on the schedule and speakers are at ...

  5. Honors Student Soaking Up all School has to Offer

    water quality and some basic ways to test water quality.   “My favorite part was working with the ... a relationship between turbidity and red and yellow sunfish coloration in the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers.  Red ...

  6. Workshops Focus on Planning for Your Farm’s Future

    actively plan for the future of the farm business,” he said. “In between sessions, farm families will be ...

  7. CFAES team chosen for first I-Corps@Ohio

    a collaboration between Ohio State, the University of Akron, the University of Cincinnati, Lorain County Community ...

  8. Super Berry Field Night to Provide Insight on Fruit Crops New to Ohio

    to have high antioxidant content and many health benefits, Gao said. The fruits’ health benefits have ...

  9. Volunteer Naturalists Are Certified, Celebrated and Ready to Serve

    topics, including ecological concepts, geology, soils, plants, forests, insects, aquatic life, ...

  10. Midwest Blueberry Production Guide

    Soils, fertilization, and nutritional disorders Blueberry diseases Insect and mite pest management Weed ...
