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Chow Line: Calorie confusion can derail weight loss (for 7/15/07)
based on your height, current weight, sex and activity level. Then, at least for a few days, count your ...
Glyphosate-Resistant Corn Hybrids Create Planting Challenges
get that second stand going quickly. Every day counts with planting corn when you run the risk of ...
Classes for Divorcing Parents Designed With Kids in Mind
consideration. Also, Extension does a good job in keeping the boundary between counseling and education. This ...
Harmful Algal Blooms Impacting Landowner Ponds and Small Lakes
but it is increasing every year and can be a health risk to humans and animals." Several harmful ...
soils workshop
200 (Wooster) Steve Culman Wednesday, February 22, 2017- 8:30am to 3:30pm ...
Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought
analysis, Partridge and Weinstein said. "On the local level with shale energy development, there's ...
Researchers Investigate Nursery Stock Bark Splitting
Necrosis (IBN), a condition that occurs when soil conditions are acidic or is related to manganese ...
Unusually Cool Summer Temps Slowing Corn Development
internodes are shorter and plants are shorter in height. Lack of soil moisture is also contributing to ...
Family Fundamentals: Do Your Homework When You Invest for Retirement (August 2005)
piece of knowledge-- say, differentiating between growth, income and other types of funds-- and look for ...
In Debt? Out of a Job? OSU Extension Tool Assists Ohioans Faced with Financial Difficulties
site. With unemployment rates in the five counties in double digits — some as high as 16 percent — and ...