
Search results

  1. SENR Seminar Series- PhD Presentation

    refugia. Spatial structures also affect the relationships between ecological processes and environmental ... regression model indicated spatially non-stationary relationships between species composition change and ... relationships between ecological processes and the environment are not always stationary. Jess Dong is a PhD ...

  2. Crop Response to Phosphorus Fertilizer in Ohio

    soil P levels go above 20 ppm. If the soil test P level is less than 20 ppm, there is an increased risk ... less than 10 ppm, the median relative yield was 87%. As the soil test P level increased above the ... the Mehlich-3 soil test P level. The Mehlich-3 soil P measures the readily available soil P for crop ...

  3. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Zoom)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  4. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Hagerty Hall)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  5. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Kottman Hall)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  6. CARTEENS Class

    payment is required in the amount of  $50.  Click here   to register. Cancellation/No-Show/Date Change:  ...

  7. Farm Science Review

    Crops plot area. Find us between Gates B and C upon entering the FSR grounds from the East Parking Lot. ... nitrogen management, Battle for the Belt planting date study, and more. You can even test your weed and ... Soil Health Benefits   3:00 p.m. Alyssa Essman Weed Management Wednesday 3:00 p.m. Laura Lindsey, Osler ...

  8. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio: NEW FACTSHEET AVAILABLE

    a medium to high protein content of 10% to 13% (U.S. Wheat Associates, 2023). However, in an Ohio ... inter-quartile range, representing the middle 50% of the value. The solid line within each shaded box represents ... environment, protein content may be lower. In addition to protein, other quality parameters of test weight, ...

  9. Food Extrusion Workshop

    products, and High Moisture Extrusion (HME). By the end of this workshop, you will be equipped with the ... Sensory Testing Location Class sessions will be held on The Ohio State University Campus in Columbus, OH. ... must be received before April 28, 2025 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 23- Interview with Tom Fontana from Ohio Soybean Council

    is split between Ohio and the national organization, the United Soybean Board. The Ohio Soybean ... one yield robber for soybeans in the U.S. The checkoff is also funding various soils research with ... (Figure 2). The first planting date is midway between R6 and R7 (one pod on the plant has reached its ...
