
Search results

  1. Meet Hannah Largen: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    in human-animal interactions to new levels of prize-winning research. As the president of the Human ...

  2. Students honored, Alumni recognized at Saddle and Sirloin Scarlet and Gray Gala

    Livestock and Meat Judging were also recognized for their 10, 25, and 50-year team anniversaries, sharing ...

  3. April 20th: Pork Prospect Leadership Event

    Industry.  Our program is tailored for both high school students and undergraduates, offering an exciting ...

  4. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    The Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference is a collaborative effort between The Ohio State ...

  5. NSLC Summer Job Opportunities

    Tech this summer offers pre-college summer programs for high school students facilitated by ... etc, and enjoy working with high school students! The Veterinary Medicine program at Virginia Tech runs ...

  6. VanStavern Scholarship

    scholarship is awarded to a student presenting research relevant to high-quality beef supply or demand at the ...

  7. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    solar site construction on the soil, forage yields and surrounding landscapes. Campbell also examines ...

  8. ASCA Applications

    (ASCA) is involved in the recruitment of high school students, peer mentorship through the ANIM SCI 1100 ...

  9. Dr. Sandra (Sandy) Velleman retires following three decades of industry leadership

    Connecticut and worked closely with Dr. Carl Nester. Conversations between the east coast natives often ranged ...

  10. Alvaro Garcia Guerra

    non-carriers of the Trio allele for high ovulation rate in cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Developmen t, ... MC.  2018. Trio, a novel bovine high fecundity allele: III. Acquisition of dominance and ovulatory ... Kirkpatrick BW, Wiltbank MC. 2018. Trio, a bovine high fecundity allele: II. Hormonal profile and follicular ...
