
Search results

  1. OSU Soil Organic Matter Calculator

    OSU S oil O rganic M atter (SOM) Calculator  Predicts the soil organic matter in a field in ...

  2. Mycobite team earns silver medal at iGEM Jamboree in Paris

    plastic specifically is a leading contributor to pollution, since it is by far the most highly produced at ...

  3. Publications & Presentations

    Enhanced Soil Health, Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Change Mitigation. Springer Nature (in progress). ...

  4. Dr. Arif Rahman, MBA

    crops Soil health and water quality and agroecosystem services Marginal soil remediation and biomaterial ... production Monitoring air, water, soil and food pollution and develop mitigation technology Analytical ... Chemistry Development of Analytical techniques Atmospheric chemistry Environmental Chemistry Water and Soil ...

  5. National Diabetes Awareness Month Series

    Ohio adults were diagnosed with diabetes (Source: 2020 Ohio Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance ...

  6. Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia

    the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, research, and ...

  7. John Yost Joins Our Team and Toxic Levels of Hay Nitrates

    feed, and levels between 1000 and 2100 ppm should be safe for non-pregnant livestock.  Nitrate levels of ... indicate that nitrate levels in some stands, are approaching a range of 1700 ppm which is acutely toxic to ... flash graze pastures to keep the animals from grazing too close to the soil level and delaying harvest ...

  8. Cross and Drewry publish article on remote diagnosis of wheat stripe rust progression

    high-throughput classification of WSR severity.  Utilizing random forest models based on leaf-level and ... canopy-level hyperspectral data, researchers achieved classification accuracies of 45-52%, which improved to ... 79-96% with off-by-one scoring. The canopy-level model outperformed the leaf-level models, highlighting ...

  9. Useful Links and Resources

    Kalani, A Weather Adventure The All Star River Explorers Claude’s Got the Scoop on Soil Dr. Arbor Talks ...

  10. Sours and Vance to participate in university's first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community

    participate in the first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community, coordinated through a partnership between ...
