
Search results

  1. Alia Dietsch

    Increasingly, I am using multilevel/hierarchical modeling to explore both individual-level and group-level ... and Solomon, A.N. 2012. National wildlife refuge visitor survey: 2010-2011 national-level results. ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Peter Renz

    333C or  via Zoom. Peter will present, "Development of a Novel Biochemical Soil Health Indicator ... that is based on a Multivariate Soybean Yield Prediction Model." Abstract:  Soil Health (SH) ... problems much sooner. Unfortunately, recent publications showed that the existing SH tests were limited in ...

  3. Gifting to reduce federal estate taxes

    help reduce a farm's federal estate tax risk. tax gifting federal estate tax ...

  4. USDA invests $10 million in Ohio State led team to accelerate adoption of climate smart agricultural practices

    declines in soil health and organic matter, water quality challenges, loss of biodiversity, and increased ...

  5. Kaiguang Zhao

    Lindsey, L.E., Fulford, A.M. and Zhao, K., 2020. Do soil test levels and fertilization with phosphorus and ... to develop geospatial applications, using tools such as hyper spectral imaging, high ... quantify water uptake from different soil layers and water use efficiency of wheat under long-term tillage ...

  6. Soil Science

    Curriculum Students must complete twelve credits of graduate-level soils courses across at least four courses ... The Graduate Minor in Soil Science is for graduate students who plan to pursue an ... interdisciplinary program to solve research problems either in the soil directly or in processes involving soil. The ...

  7. Joseph Campbell

    on the balance between community development and natural resource management. In addition to hosting ... Tanzania (UDOM) where he taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses in rural sociology and ...

  8. Environment and Natural Resources

    biological engineering geology health sciences such as environmental toxicology or health risk assessments ... course of study.  Eligible Elective Courses Students may choose from our graduate-level courses for this ... classes would be most suitable. If the courses that interest you relate to soil science or to ...

  9. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes

    sizes between young and old fish. Originally, the team expected to find that fish reared in murky water ... destruction and murkiness in rivers and lakes. When trees are cut down, the stability of the nearby soil is ... a storm, all of that soil, sediment and vegetation that was held in place by trees isn’t held in place ...

  10. How To Join 4-H

    membership, regardless of grade level.  Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group ...
