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  1. Tough Year for Wheat Production, Yields Highly Varied

    vomitoxin levels above eight parts per million, and will discount prices for levels of 2-8 ppm. To minimize ... such conditions, yield estimates across the state range from as low as 25 bushels per acre to as high as 90. Paul ... said, while the incidence of head scab is relatively high, it isn't as bad as last year, based on ...

  2. Saturated Soils Could Pose Risk to Well Water

    know how to test and protect their well water. It is available on Mancl's Soil Environment ... April 28, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Heavy rains mean more than an increased risk of flooding. They ... and have septic systems rather than sewers for household wastewater. "Normally, soil does ...

  3. Wheat Harvest Good, but Grain Quality Falls Short

    test weights — from the high 40s to the mid-50s. When we have test weights in the 51 to 52 pounds per ... a measurement that determines grain quality — were variable, ranging from the high 40s to the high 50s in ... bushels per acre. Last year, growers averaged 62 bushels per acre with 810,000 acres. But test weights — ...

  4. Materials Aim to Help Pregnant Women Prevent Foodborne Illness

    to reduce their risk and protect the health of their babies. The researchers tested the efficacy of ... /> UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1" /> ... UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2" /> UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List ...

  5. Drought-Stressed Corn Has Increased Potential for Elevated Nitrate Levels

    their livestock to ensure that nitrate levels aren’t at levels high enough to sicken or kill the animal, ... high harvest height in Defiance and Paulding counties. The testing found that the range of percent ... silage in a silo bunker bag can also reduce nitrate levels by a reduction of 20 to 50 percent, so growers ...

  6. Chow Line: Understanding HDLs can be complex (8/17/12)

    August 17, 2012 I have always been proud of my high HDL level, but I heard recently that it might ... they can to raise their levels of HDLs-- high-density lipoproteins, or what we’ve called the “good” ... levels remain a good predictor, or what they call a “biomarker,” that a person has a higher risk of heart ...

  7. Get the Most of Crop Performance: Soil Sample in the Fall

    high value crops, it is important to test more frequently. Additional information on soil testing can ... October 26, 2004 WOOSTER, Ohio — Soils can be sampled and tested at any time during the year, but ... fall soil testing is that excessively wet springs prevent sampling that could have been done in the ...

  8. Quality Assurance Test-Out


  9. OCVN Franklin County 2022

    modules.  The session topics include Ohio’s birds, geology, soils, forests, mammals, water resources, ... 5:30—8:00 PM (Soils) OSU Extension Office, Franklin County; 12/7/2022 Wed 5:30—8:00 PM (Climate Change) OSU ...

  10. Stewart's Wilt Risk Low for Ohio's Corn

    March 15, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight is ... carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State ... to have a low to moderate threat. The flea beetle index is calculated as the sum of the average ...
