
Search results

  1. Quality Assurance Test-Out

    You must RSVP to Emily Kahrs at ...

  2. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    water pollution, soil degradation, and climate change. There is power in creating gardens that are based ...

  3. Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

    On April 22, we celebrate the 50 th Anniversary of Earth Day, but it won’t be like many of us have ... memory for this year’s 50 th Anniversary of Earth Day. Best wishes for good health. School of Environment ...

  4. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    Doug Tallamy: Restoring Nature’s Relationships at Home Specialized relationships between animals ...

  5. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Program

    soon for the Wednesday, December 4 EPN Breakfast program Digging in with Ohio's Soil Experts! On ... the eve of the internationally celebrated World Soil Day, Terry Cosby (state conservationist for the ... remarks and a notable collection of Ohio’s soil experts, including Drs. Rattan Lal, Jeff Hattey, Scott ...

  6. About OCVN

    Geology Soils Plants Forests Insects and other macroinvertebrates Reptiles & Amphibians Birds Mammals ...

  7. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    Living Landscape by Rick Darke and Doug Tallamy, Gardens of the High Line by Piet Oudolf and Rick Darke. ...

  8. Picky Eaters!

    higher levels of picky eating, greater resistance to eating, and a dislike of certain foods that can ... small enough to avoid the risk of choking. 7. Involve kids in meal planning. Put your toddler's ...

  9. EPN Webinar-Women Owning Woodlands: Networks for inclusive land stewardship

    Educator, Hocking Soil & Water Conservation District), Dani Gill (Wildlife ... Specialist/Forester/Technician, Hocking Soil & Water Conservation District), Jessica Miller (Community Forester, Holden ...

  10. Woolly Bear Caterpillars

    more species in the U.S.  Woolly bears are the caterpillar stage of a medium sized moth known as tiger ... woolly bears are highly variable in color.  The fine hairs covering the body vary from beige or yellow to ... legend by showing the amount of black varies with the age of the caterpillar and the moisture levels in ...
