
Search results

  1. Winter Pruning School

    Pruning for Specific Landscapes COST: $50 ($30 for out-of-county MGVs). To register, visit ...

  2. More Than Two Sexes? An Exploration of Intersex Identities

    with one of several intersex conditions. The webinar will address the difference between biological sex ...

  3. Fairfield County Fair- Cloverbud Day at the Fair

    Round Cattle Barn (ending in the #50 Barn) Show-N-Tell This is an opportunity for clubs to share about ... take place immediately following Cloverbud Graduation in the #50 Barn All participants will receive ...

  4. National Day of Racial Healing

    Increasingly, using multilevel/hierarchical modeling to explore both individual-level and group-level dynamics ...

  5. Difficult Conversations: Communicating Effectively Across Difference

    is very different from you and didn't know how to approach it? Conversations between people with ...

  6. Diversity and Social Justice Glossary

    identity is between the two traditional genders; or 3) A person who rejects gender roles entirely. ... ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skill, or experience are more likely to be ... woman. Genderfluid: A gender identity characterized by fluctuation between masculine/feminine/other ...

  7. Cultivating Change for LGBTQ+ Students Interested in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    ourselves to a high-level and broad diversity policy, built around respect for individuals regardless of ...

  8. Belonging and Connection

    valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically, report higher levels of well-being, and ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  9. Finding Connections on Campus

    valued for who they are, tend to perform better academically, report higher levels of well-being, and ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  10. Introduction to Microaggressions: Small Actions that Have a Big Impact

    real-life scenarios. Finally, participants will be provided with strategies for responding to being called ...
