
Search results

  1. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Barbecue and Hot Sauces

    found on the vinegar label but may be listed as 50 grain. When handling hot peppers, gloves may be worn ... 1½ cups chopped sweet red or green bell peppers (about three medium peppers) 2 hot peppers, cored and ... level of heat desired) cayenne pepper 1¼ cup 5% vinegar Yield: About 4 pint jars Preparation Combine ...

  2. Hiring- Extension Educator Coordinator 2 for EFNEP

     32 Pay range:  $15.70-$20.67 Minimum qualifications:  High school diploma or GED, and 1 year of ...

  3. Gibberella Ear Rot and Mycotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing, and Storage

    screening steps. Semi-quantitative tests estimate vomitoxin at or above certain levels (>5 ppm) or within ... (DON), also called vomitoxin. As a result, high levels of Gibberella ear rot severity and moldy grain are ... usually accompanied by high levels of vomitoxin. Mycotoxins are harmful to both humans and animals. ...

  4. Fertility Management of Meadows

    nutrition, forage test to check for adequate levels. When the soil pH is below 5.0, aluminum availability ... critical soil test level of 15-25 parts per million (ppm) phosphorus for Bray P1 test results or 28-40 ppm ... leaching. The critical soil test levels for potassium are 125-200 ppm. Plants have the ability to take up ...

  5. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    adjustments if there is a difference greater than 5% between the actual application rate and the intended ... significant variation during the growing season with significant gaps between trees or vines. Therefore, the ... gallons per acre, and make the appropriate changes if the difference between the actual and the intended ...

  6. Advanced Drainage Systems collaboration supports Ohio State research, students and operation

    has state-of-the-art equipment to develop, test, and analyze stormwater management systems, some of ...

  7. Join the conversation: Celebrate Ohio Soil Health Week at Nov. 12 breakfast event

    soil health science and policy, and we look forward to engaging dialogue of the connection between soil ... COLUMBUS, Ohio —Celebrating the vital importance of soil health during the inaugural  Ohio Soil ... individuals interested in soil health from agricultural, land use, and ecological perspectives,” said Harrison ...

  8. Converting between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate Soil Test Values

    Bray P. When only soil test values in the agronomic range were considered (less than 50 ppm Bray P), ... relationships between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate soil test extractants in the Tri-State Region. ... 3–1170 ppm, and Mehlich-3 K values ranged from 25–899 ppm. We examined relationships with all soil test ...

  9. The Biology of Soil Compaction

    flourishing bacteria populations that thrive on high oxygen levels in the soil and the release of nutrients in ... impact on bare soil and natural gravity combine to compact soils. Low organic matter levels make the soil ... binds microaggregates and macroaggregates in the soil. Low organic matter levels make the soil more ...

  10. Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts

    50 ppm, increased levels of keratoconjunctivitis and tracheitis have been observed. These trachea and ... causes high ammonia levels inside animal production buildings, especially in winter months when the ... concentrations. People begin to detect odors at 5–50 ppm. Irritation to mucous surfaces occurs at 100–500 ppm ...
