
Search results

  1. Nutrient Management of Forage Crops Intended for Hay

    is to maintain soil test P and K between the “critical level” (minimum) and “maintenance limit” ... level before planting. The estimated amount of P 2 O 5 required to raise a soil test 1 PPM is 20 pounds ... For example, if a soil test is 100 PPM and the goal is to increase the soil test to a critical level ...

  2. SENR Seminar Series- PhD Presentation

    refugia. Spatial structures also affect the relationships between ecological processes and environmental ... regression model indicated spatially non-stationary relationships between species composition change and ... relationships between ecological processes and the environment are not always stationary. Jess Dong is a PhD ...

  3. Calculating Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, and Calcium Saturation

    example of typical soil test levels in Ohio (in ppm). We can calculate the collective charge each cation ... by the soil test levels. For calcium, a soil test level of 2000 ppm, divided by 200 equals 10.0 ... (ppm) to meq/100 g soil for base and acid cations to determine CEC. Base Cation Soil test level (ppm ...

  4. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Zoom)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  5. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Hagerty Hall)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  6. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Kottman Hall)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  7. Velasquez-Giraldo visualizes a new plant-based meat alternative at CEMAS

    developing a new high protein plant-based meat analog with increased fat through extrusion, under the advice ... Velasquez-Giraldo is using the technology to promote fibrous structures that improve the quality of high ... -protein alternative products. The high temperatures in cooking section of the extruder, combined with the low ...

  8. Gibberella Ear Rot and Mycotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing, and Storage

    screening steps. Semi-quantitative tests estimate vomitoxin at or above certain levels (>5 ppm) or within ... (DON), also called vomitoxin. As a result, high levels of Gibberella ear rot severity and moldy grain are ... usually accompanied by high levels of vomitoxin. Mycotoxins are harmful to both humans and animals. ...

  9. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

    maintain soil test levels appropriate for winter wheat production. Table 2 (click to download PDF). ... For example, hard red winter wheat should have a medium to high protein content of 10% to 13% (U.S. ... States, wheat is divided into six classes based on bran color (red or white), protein content (hard = high ...

  10. Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist

    (OBCP). The OBCP is a partnership between the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, ...
