
Search results

  1. November 2024 Highlights

    applications in making highly extended ham and sausage products that they would typically make in their ...

  2. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    costs displayed in Table 2 is estimated using the Cow-Jones Index. The prediction formula uses a 1500 lb ...

  3. Breathe easier in grain bins

    grain bins and test dust concentrations during different activities such as unloading grain and cleaning ...

  4. Join the conversation: Celebrate Ohio Soil Health Week at Nov. 12 breakfast event

    connection between soil health, environmental health, and human health.” Ohio Soil Health Week, organized by ... Molly Bean COLUMBUS, Ohio —Celebrating the vital importance of soil health during the inaugural ... Ohio Soil Health Week, the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) in The Ohio State ...

  5. Starter Success for Dairy Calves

    as group housing can increase the risk of health issues among calves. With proper backgrounding and ...

  6. Saba secures grants for food waste conversion research

    CAPPS is designed to foster partnerships between industry and universities for the mutual benefit of ...

  7. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    5% due to risk of chemical burn. Formalin is not as effective at temperatures below 50° F, and open ... angle. These high walls ensure cattle are getting their feet in the treatment. One side should be ... Footbaths are effective for approximately 150 to 350 cow passes. Barns with automated manure removal and ...

  8. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste

    represented a range of ages, household incomes and education levels, and most had insurance. On average, the ... used simulations to show that reducing population-level food consumption can lower energy costs, ...

  9. Keep your Thanksgiving feast safe

    from the “danger zone” of temperatures between 40- and 140-degrees Fahrenheit, where bacteria can ...

  10. Hall of Distinction online nomination form

    jpeg png pdf docx. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent ...
