
Search results

  1. Sours and Vance to participate in university's first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community

    participate in the first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community, coordinated through a partnership between ...

  2. Qian (Victoria) Chen

    Management Lean Construction Building Energy Simulation High-Performance Green Buildings Building Energy ... Qian (Victoria) Chen's research focuses on high-performance green buildings, energy simulation and ...

  3. Schott gains firsthand experience during internship at CNH

    real-world situations. They ranged from field data analysis to preparing high-level presentations, giving him ... employees.” Schott’s internship experience comes amid a broader partnership between CNH and Ohio State ...

  4. Fall Management Practices for Wheat

    than corn or soybean.  Maintain soil test levels between 25-40 ppm for optimum production. If the soil ... potential.  Do not add any phosphorus if soil test levels are higher than 50 ppm.  Maintain soil potassium at ... levels of 100, 120, and 140 ppm for soils with cation exchange capacities of 10, 20, or 30 meq, ...

  5. Get A Grip On Weeds, Like Poison Hemlock, Now Instead Of Later

    A competitive forage stand is maintained by good grazing management, good soil fertility, appropriate pH, ... Every year that you make progress against weeds means less weed seeds in the soil seed bank and less ...

  6. Open Faculty Positions

    between the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. ...

  7. Quality Assurance Program

    the test (12-14) and (15-18). There are 50 multiple choice questions in each age category and members ... Clinic or Test Out.  Exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: Dairy Cattle Feeder ... are at the Butler County Fairgrounds, 1715 Fairgrove Avenue in Hamilton.  QA Test ...

  8. Dr. Devin Peterson

    Center, a partnership between academic researchers and industry leaders focused on the creation, exchange, ...

  9. Prochaska supports water access project in Tanzania, uses scholarship to aid funding

    get it to the level of implementation," he said. "The projects we're working on are ...

  10. Dr. Christopher Simons

    perception, liking, and food choice using a variety of methodologies including human sensory testing or ...
