
Search results

  1. Teaching and Learning

    when our youth graduate from high school, they are better equipped to contribute to the economies of ... (Weimer, 2003, p. 49).  Teaching and Learning was identified as a high priority in the National Research ...

  2. LEED Green Associate Training

    LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a sustainablity scorecard for green buildings. The LEED Green associate is the only professional designation to show employers and clients you have certified knowledge in the field. To date, t ...

  3. Corn Rootworm Populations Decreasing in Ohio

    beetles captured per trap per day is calculated and used to determine population levels. Candace Pollock ...

  4. Day Camps to Teach Farm Safety Techniques for Kids

    the Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District at 740- 454-2767. Ross County: In August, with the ...

  5. Future of Nursery Industry May Lie in A Greenhouse

    estimated that Oregon liner sales into Ohio and surrounding states total $50 million a year. "Ohio ... growers can capture that $50 million market, and that's just a conservative estimate, and they can do ...

  6. Doctoral Scholarly Seminar- Ashley Wurth

    Ashley Wurth- Personalities and Behavioral Syndromes: Animal Behavior and the Role of the Environment and Genetics ...

  7. Chow Line: Asparagus: Get it fresh, don't overcook (for 5/1/11)

    and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen," explains that sugar levels in the shoots ...

  8. OARDC Announces 2011 Recipients of Service, Achievement Awards

    Phillips, Research Operations; Wayne Lewis, OSU South Centers. 50 Years of Service: Herbert Ockerman, Animal ...

  9. OFWMA Webinar Series

    observations from 2006-2011. Additionally, highly trained field staff conducted nearly 15,000 abundance ...

  10. OARDC Crabapple Trees Blooming Early: Should Be at Their Peak This Weekend

    destroyed by a tornado in September 2010 along with a number of highly visible crabapple trees along the ...
