
Search results

  1. Managing Stress

    County Many dairy farmers across Ohio have been experiencing elevated stress levels for the past several ...

  2. Handling Dairy Manure

    mattress-based stalls. In most cases, the available options for handling manure lie somewhere between these ...

  3. Dairy Calf Management Workshop

    times of low milk prices, volatile market conditions, and high feed prices, dairy producers and managers ...

  4. Meat Meets Art

    from art to the environment and many topics in between, delved into the three aspects of the seminar’s ...

  5. Wehrkamp inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    give freely of his time to outside organizations at the state, regional, and community level. This ...

  6. Team Academic Resources

    North Central Risk Management Education Center (pre-proposal mid-Dec, full proposal end of Feb) North ...

  7. Students Excel in 2010 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    Noble Bookstore at $100, $75, and $50 each, respectively. The farm selected for the contest this year ...

  8. Agricultural communication student elected to National FFA office

    of 7,665 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The FFA mission is ...

  9. Remembering John Starling

    brother Rodney Starling. John graduated from Pennsville High School and received his bachelors, masters ... Force during World War II. He taught vocational agriculture at Lima Shawnee High School for fourteen ...

  10. 2013 Fechheimer Seminar: Dr. Anthony Parker

    macro-level as part of a sustainable production system partnering with the energy industry.  Dr. Parker has ...
