
Search results

  1. OARDC Adds Greener, Bi-fuel Vehicles to Its Fleet

    a separate fuel gauge for CNG located on the dashboard and a console-mounted switch for changing between CNG ...

  2. Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts, But Biggest Risk May Be on Football Field

    Agriculture’s PLANTS database  carries a red-letter warning: “Ohio buckeye is highly toxic when taken ...

  3. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    levels), phytoplankton production, and ultimately fish production. Focusing on lakes Michigan and Huron, ...

  4. Elizabeth Burnett's Graduate Defense Seminar

    soil health and water quality, it is difficult to understand why many farmers choose not to adopt these ...

  5. Spring Career Day

    and physical sciences. Attending employers primarily seek to fill full-time, entry level positions; ...

  6. EPN's 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    Ohio EPA Ted Lozier, P.E., Deputy Chief, Division of Soil and Water Resources, Ohio DNR Scott Jackson, ...

  7. SES's Climate, Water and Environment Mini-Symposium

    SENR  "The Ties that Bind: Energetic Linkages between Land and Water: A schedule above is subject ...

  8. Spatial Inequalities in the Fiscal Distribution of the U.S. Welfare State

    availability of social and community economic development programs at the state and county levels, few studies ...

  9. Volunteer Naturalists Are Certified, Celebrated and Ready to Serve

    topics, including ecological concepts, geology, soils, plants, forests, insects, aquatic life, ...

  10. Assistant Professor to study long-term, post-wildfire changes in sagebrush ecosystems

    Matt Davies, an assistant professor of soil and plant community restoration in the School of ...
