
Search results

  1. Researchers Unravel Challenges of Drug-Resistant Bacteria

    Codex Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance by WHO/FAO, Wang said. ...

  2. Soybean Yields Surprisingly High Early into Harvest

    into the upper 70s in bushels per acre, much higher than what was anticipated. "The high soybean ...

  3. Extending the Life of Flowering Plants at the Molecular Level

    senescence. Petunias are popular and important bedding plants that are highly sensitive to ethylene — a plant ...

  4. Chow Line: Help build culture of healthy living, eating (for 3/13/11)

    as much high-end marketing and advertising as chips, cake mixes, soft drinks and pizza. Imagine that ...

  5. Chow Line: Help children cut back on calories (for 8/28/11)

    and compare it to that of french fries, milkshakes and high-sugar soft drinks. There are options for ...

  6. 100-Bushel Soybeans Possible, Farmers Should Master Basics First

    farm management, producing high-yielding soybeans is more attainable than ever, according to one Ohio ...

  7. Agricultural Exports Add Significant Value to Ohio Farmers’ Revenue

    for agricultural products from Ohio. We may be exporting more high value products to Taiwan; you can’t ...

  8. Miller Receives Prestigious Plant Pathology Recognition for Work on Vegetable Crops

    involved in collaborative projects related to food safety and the interaction between zoonotic ...

  9. Recent Discoverer of Tomato-shape Gene Wins 2008 OARDC Junior Faculty Research Award

    her colleagues, including an equipment award to provide instrumentation for high-throughput genotyping ...

  10. Using Manure as Fertilizer? Learn More at the Manure Expo July 9

    for alternatives to high-priced commercial fertilizers, and an event spearheaded by five land-grant ...
