
Search results

  1. Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers Recognized

    On the evening of Tuesday, May 15, more than 90 Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers (MGVs) gathered for their quarterly Membership Meeting and Workshop. The MGVs who were able to attend braved strong thunderstorms and a tornado warning for a night ...

  2. Stages Of Grief

    she ran a great race and she lived a life with no regrets.  She was a four letter athlete in high ...

  3. Two Events Will be Held at OSU's Molly Caren Agricultural Center- September 12 and 13

    the evolving needs of their customers at a personal, professional and industry-wide level ...

  4. OSU Extension and OARDC Agronomy Field Days

    Crop Science) Soil Fertility Management and Tri-State Recommendations – Steve Culman (SENR) Xtend and ...

  5. Evaluating Soybean Stand

    Service reported 23% of the soybean acres were planted by May 10 (and many more acres were planted between ...

  6. Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification and Fertilizer Certification

    certification is needed if you apply commercial fertilizer (not manure) to more than 50 acres.  Fertilizer ...

  7. Western Bean Cutworm Infestation and Disease Issues

    get it tested for mycotoxins before feeding to livestock, and if you absolutely have to use moldy ...

  8. Preparation of Storage Facilities for Grain Harvest

    should also test aeration fans and driers for functionality.  Check belts, bearings and gear boxes for ... harvest will reduce the risk of accidents, and knowing how to react in an emergency can save lives. Corn ...

  9. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    program, I highly invite you to continue reading this article about a program that has a long history that ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  10. Watch for Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa

    seeding.  After the first cutting, growers can then use 3X times the normal level threshold.   More ...
