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  1. Grandma Right About an Apple a Day

    In an Ohio State study, eating one apple a day for just four weeks lowered blood levels of ...

  2. Doctoral Student Focuses on Nutritional Requirements of Yellow Perch Larvae with Live Food Enrichments

    in the Great Lakes region that is also highly prized table fare. Grayson seeks to better understand ...

  3. Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River

    to spawn. It is a narrative with global ramifications, exploring the complex relationship between ...

  4. Farm to School Opportunities Growing Across Ohio

    connected with OSU Extension resources at the state and county level,” Smathers said. Representatives from ...

  5. Honors Research Proposal

    Between Nutrition and the Rehabilitation of Eastern Cottontail Rabbits     4:55 pm Karam Sheban Advisor: ...

  6. Understanding Watershed Complexity in Latin America

    Deploying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for High Resolution Pro-glacial Watershed Mapping Chris Gardner, PhD ...

  7. Strengths-Based Management and Supervision Workshop

    his or her work team by selecting the right person for the right position, setting high expectations ...

  8. Alumnus Recognized for Outstanding Contributions

    resource conservation at a vocational high school as well. In his retirement, John climbs mountains, spends ...

  9. Ohio State Aquaculture Research Program Looking to Recruit New or Beginning Fish Farmers

    “As more consumers view seafood as a low-fat, high-protein source of food, the demand is growing for ...

  10. BioHio Research Park Receives Grant for Master Plan, Selects Consultants for Development

    agricultural biosciences-- which includes high-impact areas such as renewable energy and materials, food safety ...
