
Search results

  1. Are All Grow Lights Created Equal?

    each seed catalog delivered to my home, it inches my excitement level to begin spring up just once more ...

  2. Spread of giant ragweed across the North Central Region – results of a CCA survey

    asked participants to provide their perceptions and county-level estimates of giant ragweed related to ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-41

    62.4 NI-65SC-4 63.5 NI-65SC-4 + NI 50S-3 63.7 Excalibre Q/R 63.7 Excalibre Q/R half rate + extender ...

  4. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    more likely to exercise and be physically active *  Report better grades and higher levels of academic ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-23

    increases the chance of catching moths. The other, more probable reason might be related to high number of ... hours of Certified Crop Advisor CEU’s, 1.0 hour in Nutrient Management, 1.0 hour in Soil & Water, ...

  6. Corn, Soybean, Wheat Connection webinar series: Soil Health & Cover Crops

    Check back for details. ...

  7. Corn Yield Prediction

    high kernel weights) the method will underestimate grain yields. In the past, the YIELD COMPONENT ...

  8. Evaluation of plant populations across 150 years of corn genetics

    Corn%20Populations%20150%20years%20final.pdf 2011 Corn Corn Corn Planting ...

  9. Volunteering Is Good for the Soul

    County.  The program is a partnership between the Butler County Juvenile Justice, the Ohio State Highway ...

  10. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    are high and there is good air circulation around the drying seed heads and pods.  The key is to avoid ...
