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    coming for the second half of the month around a high pressure system in the Southeast U.S. Therefore, we ... expect rainfall to average from 0.50 inches below normal to 1.00 inches above normal for the rest of the ...

  2. Should You Expect Soybean Aphids This Year?

    have had high populations in odd numbered years (this pattern may not hold for all of the Midwest, but ... Soybean Council.  Of course, a lot can happen between now and late July-early August when soybean aphids ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-23

    states, but due to the widespread planting of some highly susceptible varieties and milder winters, we now ... generously donated to our field studies.   Disease levels in the top canopy at the end of the season were ... shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by a second round of pollen shed late ...

  4. Set Yourself Up for Grazing Success

    soon.  There is a positive correlation between pasture plant height, density, and livestock intake.  ... between grazing passes may vary from 15-20 days in the spring to 30-40 days in the summer.  If conditions ...

  5. Increased Dairy Cow Productivity and Reduced Environmental Impact

    dairy cattle industry on environmental impacts between 2007 and 2017” provides a picture of increased ... terms of actual milk production, the total US ECM milk production increased by 24.9% between 2007 and ...

  6. Determination of ear size in corn well underway

    growing conditions corn plants can grow nearly three inches per day between V8 (i.e., the eight leaf ... between neighboring fields, and within fields. Most of this variation can be attributed to planting date ... prior to pollination. Many of our late planted corn fields experiencing excess soil moisture have not ...

  7. Q&A with Dr. Darren Drewry

    while helping address environmental challenges at the community level. As a Peace Corps volunteer in ... a professor, the success of my research program will be highly dependent on the productivity and quality of ...

  8. Cover Crop Termination Before Planting

    Cover crops can play an important role in reducing soil erosion and helping to build soil health.  ... soil quality, but aggressive spring growth can also present some termination challenges.  In addition, ... F or warmer, but several days of 50 degree temps can suffice, to effectively translocate within the ...

  9. Worker Protection Standard Compliance Manual Available  New WPS worker training videos in English and Spanish are also available; worker and handler ... become available.  More information is available on-line at: ...

  10. Pathways to Sustainability Careers

    speeches or presentations to sit through. Register for the event here (for a chance to win a $50 REI gift ...
