
Search results

  1. Graduate Student Organization

    Our purpose is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and ...

  2. Asiatic Garden Beetles in Northwest Ohio

    Damage appears to be most prevalent in sandier soils, which are concentrated in NW Ohio, but can also be ... mouth (CORN Newsletter 2013-15), see photo 1. If uncovered from the soil surface, the g+rubs try to move ... quickly back underneath the soil. Damaged fields often have gaps in rows, and affected corn often appears ...

  3. Ralph H. Grimshaw Memorial Scholarship Program

    offering a minimum of one $1,000 scholarship to deserving high school and college students pursuing college ... that will be beneficial to the sheep industry,” said Roger A. High, OSIA Executive Director. Applicants ... high school senior enrolled in, or a student currently attending, a college or technical school.  ...

  4. Using Aerial Imagery to make Agronomic Decisions- Greenville

    Making with High Resolution Crop Imagery Drones in Agriculture Layering Your Maps Big Data – Where are we ...

  5. 2018 CFAES Alumni Awards Luncheon- Columbus, Ohio

    Advancement Office at or 614-247-6335 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.   Congratulations ...

  6. Extension aquaculture highlights

    the Soil and Water Conservation District. The first PowerPoint presentation given in Ohio by the new ... (all things STEM related) in Piketon, Ohio for over 1,500 high school students from southern Ohio. ... World Aquaculture Society and is currently available online for early viewing. A high summer temperature ...

  7. Year 2 of Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 is off to a strong start in Ohio, Wisconsin

    aquaculture/aquaponics and next generation farmers in the Midwest. In 2018, we are running parallel 3-I level (Intensive, ... consists of 35 highly motivated fish farmers and aquaponics producers from across Ohio and West Virginia. ...

  8. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Series

    agricultural commodity markets and the risk associated with marketing options for corn, soybeans, and wheat. ...

  9. 2016 Grain is in the Bin- What Should I Watch for?

    cleaned grain, stored into a clean bin will prevent problems. Questionable grain due to high levels of ... a depression. After coring the bin, the grain mass should be leveled flat for a most efficient aeration. If the ...

  10. Healthy People In-Service

    Two days of trainings on how to successfully host four of our state-level Healthy People programs- ...
