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Family Fundamentals: Money tips geared to teens heading to college (July 2011)
difference between private loans and federal student loans. The pros and cons of working while attending ...
Creating Accessible Agriculture at Farm Science Review 2011
“AgrAbility” Bus will be available from noon to 4 p.m. daily to transport individuals between the exhibit area ...
Early Registration Due for 2018 Ohio River Valley Workshop
This year's workshop will be at the Oasis Conference Center in Loveland, Ohio. Speakers from all three states will offer information packed sessions for interested landowners. Talks for the day include: New Herbicides for the Management of Nuisance ...
Final Due Date for Registration- Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop
This year's workshop will be at the Oasis Conference Center in Loveland, Ohio. Speakers from all three states will offer information packed sessions for interested landowners. Talks for the day include: New Herbicides for the Management of Nuisance ...
Animal Welfare Regulations Would Impact Ohio's Agriculture Industry
education is important to understanding the tradeoffs between animal welfare regulations and the impacts ... ethical viewpoint. From that perspective, however, you have to be aware of the tradeoffs between ethics ...
Chow Line: It's OK for spinach to see the light (for 5/22/11)
leaves exposed to light had significantly higher levels of carotenoids (which transform into vitamin A in ...
Produce Safety Programs Set for Southern Ohio
standards due later this year. In Clayton, the program goes from 6-9 p.m. at Northmont High School, 4916 ...
Students Invited to Help Feed the World
April 26, 2012 WOOSTER, Ohio-- High school and college students interested in discovering how they ...
Ohio Company Shows 'Concrete' Support of 4-H
and cities of over 50,000. For more information on Ohio 4-H, see its Web site at ...
Chow Line: Spread cheer, not illness, for holidays (for 11/20/11)
raw meat touched. Temperature is important. Most foodborne bacteria grow rapidly between 40 and 140 ...