
Search results

  1. Following 'Rules' Helps People Save

    rates, Rha said. That's especially important now. While savings rates averaged between 7 percent and ... more trouble saving money. For example, 16.5 percent of the survey participants had less than a high ...

  2. Hope for Ohio- Batavia, Ohio

    Helping young people fight the opioid epidemic is the goal of Hope for Ohio, a project of Ohio Farm Bureau and other supporting organizations. The program works with 4-H and FFA members to encourage peer-to-peer prevention measures. ...

  3. It's 'Sink or Swim' Week for Ohio's Corn Growers

    all losses, but it may make sense economically to take the payment instead of risking lower yields due ...

  4. Holy Toledo (Botanical Garden)! Family Bat Workshop Coming Soon

    in crop damage from pests. But some or all of that help is at risk. A new, deadly bat disease has ...

  5. Wayne County Farm to Become Unique 'Living Laboratory' for OARDC

    quality, economic feasibility and social responsibility. Research will be conducted at multiple levels ... livestock management, development of high-value food and "nutraceutical" products, creating ...

  6. Yearning to Be a Buckeye? Learn More about Ohio State's Academic Programs in Food, Ag, and Environment at Farm Science Review

    CFAES coordinator of prospective student services. "The purpose of the game is to encourage high ... information and displays offered at Farm Science Review not only provide high school students with information ... perhaps a career change, altogether. "College is not just for those enrolling right after high ...

  7. Dinosaur Day at Orton Hall

    Join us for an open house as we welcome our new dinosaur friend, Cryolophosaurus ellioti, to Orton Hall. The skeleton was discovered and named in honor of one of Ohio State's own geology professors, David Elliot. Found in Antartica, it's the mos ...

  8. Communiqué July 31, 2013

    Ohio on better methods to apply livestock manure to farm fields. Manure application is a highly visible ... rotation. Data from the Ohio Tributary Loading Program has identified increasing levels of dissolved ... logo and show the tie between the college and units, programs, departments and mission areas. The new ...

  9. ATI Turfgrass Golf Outing- Wooster, Ohio

    You can enjoy a great day of golf and support Ohio State ATI turfgrass scholarships at the same time by registering for the Ohio State ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Tournament on Thursday, Sept. 20 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course. ...

  10. A Better Tomorrow: Solutions for the Opioid Epidemic- Columbus, Ohio

    Dr. Kelsey Schmuhl will provide an overview of the opioid epidemic, its impact on society and solutions for the future. She will discuss societal factors that have contributed to this epidemic and the multifaceted approach necessary to combat it. Dr. Schm ...
