
Search results

  1. Volunteers Needed for Milk Study

    determine if there are differences in reasoning for milk choices between  raw milk consumers and pasteurized ...

  2. OARDC's Jackson Ag Research Station Has New Manager

    March 26, 2008 Editor: You can download a high-resolution photo of Wells at ... high input costs for all segments of the beef industry, now is an ideal time to emphasize the ...

  3. Flagpole at Muck Crops Station Honors Memory of Local Grower

    in the areas fertile black soils. The flagpole was dedicated at the station last April 29 in memory ...

  4. Loerch Receives 2010 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award: 'Immediate Impact' on Beef Cited

    High Plains, Canada and Argentina. Further work involves cutting winter-feeding costs, which represent ... million in grants, including almost $2 million in three highly competitive U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

  5. Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05)

    cabbage or others high in vitamin K. Vitamin K is also found in some types of oils, but the type in ... incorporate leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus and other vegetables high in vitamin K into your daily routine. ...

  6. CFAES Alumni Community Service Project with FLOW- Updated Location!

    Join fellow CFAES alumni in helping clean up the Olentangy with a service project on September 29 with Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed (FLOW)! During this service event, volunteers will plant trees, clear out invasive species, and more.  ...

  7. Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest- Columbus, Ohio

    The Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest is an event intended to bring alumni back to their alma mater to meet up with old friends and meet current students involved in meat science. So, step back in time, dust off your judging skills, and enjoy another r ...

  8. A Time To Begin

    By Melinda Hill It’s approaching the season of high school and college graduations, and many new ...

  9. Grill Smart- Napoleon, Ohio

    Henry County Extension offers a hands on lesson on food safety and getting the best taste out of your grilling.  Register by October 1st.  Cost is $20 and includes meat and educational materials.  ...

  10. Ohio State Offers New Major in Sustainability

    organization leaders who understand the linkages between people, planet and profits." Students selecting ...
