
Search results

  1. Pike County Nutritional Sciences Field Day, The Story of the Strawberry

    for high calorie foods, food insecurity and poverty. OSU Extension in Pike County and OSU South ... local high school agriculture and vocational, family and consumer science, and other science classes. ...

  2. Program to Feature Scioto River Restoration

    presentation, and a 45- to 50-minute walking tour of the river restoration site. The speakers will be: Alan ...

  3. First-Ever Ohio Local Foods Week Aug. 9-15: Farmers, Businesses, Organizations Urged to Get Involved

    Participation can take many forms, Powers-Barker said, such as: Arranging a local foods taste-test event. ...

  4. V. Shedekar Exam

    202 Hi Jim, Can you please reserve room 202 between 8 to 12 noon on following dates. I am hoping ...

  5. Tri-State Workshop Can Help You Get Into Your Woods

    “Weird Things in Your Woods.” Registration, which includes lunch, is $45 by March 17 and $55 between ...

  6. Economist Offers Farm Bill Decision Resources for Making 2014 Crop Program Choices

    program enacted in the 2008 farm bill and the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) program in the 2014 farm ...

  7. 2018 Small Grain Field Day

    With Small Grains (Mike Sword and Kelley Tilmon, OSU, speakers) Interseeding between 15-inch small ...

  8. Wayne Lewis: celebrating 35 years at OSU

    as Farm Manager. Lewis is a graduate of Southwestern High School, which was once part of the Gallia ...

  9. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Mulit-Generational Workforce

    to supervisory leadership positions. This generation of highly educated 20-30 somethings tend to have ...

  10. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference (CTC)

    45810     CTC 2015 Sponsored by: Ohio State University Extension and OARDC Northwest Ohio Soil & ...
