
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-32

    dried in a high temperature drier until the grain is cooled. It can protect grain from infestation for ... corn, including pop corn and grain sorghum. Do not apply to grain before high temperature drying. There ... directions. Applications of these materials to the entire grain mass can lower test weight and reduce the ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-30

    a chlorimuron-containing herbicide, as long as the total does not exceed maximum labeled rates of chlorimuron for the soil ... can be a challenge in the parts of the state where wet soils in spring can result in late planting and ... late September into mid-October can carry serious risk to the health of the stand. Cutting later will ...

  3. Lucas County Celebrates Dine In Day

    Extension Facebook for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to a grocery store or farmersĀ  market in Lucas ...

  4. Veterinary Exploration Conference

    exposure to careers they may not know exist. Registration for the event is $10 and will be open to high ...

  5. October Newsletter

    a variety of topics including risk management practices, youth protection policies, and club management ... environment. To date, participants have learned about soils, plant science, and urban agriculture development ...

  6. Communications Internship Opportunity with Certified Angus Beef LLC

    available. The positions are offered as work-from-home experiences, so weā€™re looking for highly accountable, ... for producing high-quality beef. Application deadline is December 1. For more information or to apply, ...

  7. Serv Safe Manager's Certification 2 day course October 4 and 5, 2017

    certification. The ServSafeĀ® program provides accurate, up-to-date information for all levels of employees on ...

  8. Cover Crops Following Wheat Harvest in Grain Rotations

    mind (surface erosion prevention, nutrient scavenging, N fixation, soil coverage, etc.). Grass species, ... like oats or ryegrass, are typically fast to establish and can provide soil coverage to reduce erosion. ... help aerate the soil. Because precipitation and temperatures can be variable this time of year, the use ...

  9. Poultry & Rabbit Clinic

    help!Ā  We are in need of both adults and high school kids!Ā  If you are willing to help please email me at ...

  10. Sami Khanal

    (e.g., crop and soil health, biomass, water quality, greenhouse gas emission) under various land ...
