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In Memoriam: Warren Lee, AEDE Professor Emeritus
Farm Credit System, the role of public credit programs, credit scoring and risk rating, as well as tax ... management of agricultural loan portfolios, risk management, and farm income tax management policy. ...
Tariffs Could Spell Disaster for Ohio Farmers and National Economy
various trade scenarios on producers, consumers and the environment. For more information on Sheldon’s ...
Slugs Likely to Thrive This Summer
eggs are slightly smaller than a BB and blend in well with the soil, Michel said. After hatching, they ... years’ crops. A farmer with a serious slug problem can either till the soil to disrupt the slugs’ shelter ...
OARDC Scientist Leads New Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium
ecologist with Ohio State. It’s also “an effort to develop and enhance collaborative ties between managers ... latest national wildfire risk forecast (pdf). There’s an archived “Science Library”; current and past ... and what should be a priority for future research.” “We’re sitting at the intersection between ...
Zero Waste, Big Benefits: Ohio State to Hold Course on Large-scale Composting
such as food waste, into soil nutrients and soil amendments.” Now in its 13th year, the course takes ... knowledge of microbiology, process engineering, plant science, soil science, chemistry, thermodynamics and ...
Guided Bird Walk, Wooster
of all skill levels. Free. Information: ...
Chow Line: Food safety and homemade fruit- or vegetable-infused water
zone,” a range of temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit at which bacteria grows most ...
Penhorwood to complete internship with Agri Communicators, Inc.
Ohio’s Country Journal and The Ohio Ag Net. His time will be split between the two affiliated companies ... a 2012 graduate of Ben Logan High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares ...
Choosing a milkweed species for your garden
appreciates a dry sunny location and does well in our alkaline soil. The flower clusters are bright orange to ... the soil is not wet. If you buy live plants from a nursery, try to get small ones as larger plants are ... are held upright on the plant. This is a good plant for wet, even mucky, clay soil if there is ...
AEDE Undergraduate Scholarship Competition
over $50,000 in scholarship money each year to the department's undergraduate students. The ...