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  1. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    “They perceive there are practical benefits, such as a reduced risk of foodborne illness, but at the ...

  2. THE 2010 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY USED FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SURVEY: U.S. Farmers’ Attitudes and Opinions about Sales via Auction, Dealer, Classified Ad and the Internet

    used FME is crucial asset on many farms throughout the U.S.. Second, the quality of used FME is highly ...

  3. Scholarship Donors Offer Students the Opportunity to Study Sustainability on Andros Island

    help her to further understand the interaction between culture and the environment. “I became an EEDS ...

  4. Sponsors

    members and administers highly respected Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. programs. AEDE has a strong and ... Federation, who, for over 50 years, provided outstanding leadership and vision in addressing both rural and ...

  5. CFAES Graduate Students Expand Their Horizons in Tanzania

    scarcity and micro-nutrient deficiency in the soil, allowing them the opportunity to understand how systems ...

  6. Amanda Weinstein Awarded the M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition Award at the 44th Annual Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Conference

    urban areas at the local, state, and national levels. MCRSA is one of five regional science associations ...

  7. Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices

    cropland removed from production by urban and industrial development, soil degradation, and the like. ...

  8. 2014 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

    entry. This session highlights the need for lock-out/tag-out and identifying risks when working from ...

  9. Safely Working with Anhydrous Ammonia in the Field

    associated to working with it. One hazard is that anhydrous ammonia is stored under high pressure. An ...

  10. International Trade Economist: Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Boost U.S Agriculture

    Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) discussions, which are under negotiation between the ...
