
Search results

  1. Labor Management Workshop

    “Using the New Farm Labor Handbook”. The registration fee is $50 per person or $65 per farm, with checks ...

  2. 2015 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    current topics. Over 50 exhibitors are expected for the trade show, and on Tuesday pm, the veterinarian ...

  3. 2015 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    current topics. Over 50 exhibitors are expected for the trade show, and on Tuesday pm, the veterinarian ...

  4. Scout Fields Now for Palmer Amaranth

    just below the soil surface, and ideally removed from the field and burned or composted.  Plants with ... ODA will test any seed used for these purposes at no charge. Feel free to contact OSU weed science for ...

  5. 2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    program theme is “High Quality Forages.” The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kim Cassida, Forage Extension ... McCutcheon (OSU Extension, Southeast Region Director) will discuss “ High Energy Pasture for Grass-Finished ...

  6. Yield Forecasts for Corn

    projections of yield estimates for the remainder of the growing season. The July 20 simulation indicate a high ... -corn-yields-based-on-hybrid-maize-model-simulations-as-of-july-20th. In-season yield potential forecasts for the three Ohio test sites, Custar, S. Charleston, and ...

  7. Overholt Drainage School-Session 2

    improvement contractors, soil and water conservation technicians, farmers, engineers, consultants, ... related to the purpose, design, layout, construction, and management of Soil and Water Conservation ... USDA-NRCS, USDA-ARS, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Defiance SWCD, Ohio Land Improvement Contractors ...

  8. G. Kaletunc

    202 Hello Brandon,   I need Room 202 to be reserved between 9:30-10:30 am on the following dates ...

  9. Prevented Planting...What's That Again?

    soybeans). Up until the final plant date, you are eligible for your full guarantee at the level you have ...

  10. Western Bean Cutworm: Adult Moth Catches Increase (Scouting Video Included)

    the flag leaf. Eggs are laid in unevenly distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per ...
