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  1. Media Advisory: Ohio State Expert Available to Speak on Obama’s Administration Decision Announced Today To Buy More Bio-based Products

    announcement will also result in a 50 percent increase in the number of new products that are designated as ...

  2. Presentation- Can a Sustainable Global Food System Include Beef?- Columbus, Ohio

    Dr. Sara Place will clarify fact from fiction and highlight the complexity of a sustainable food system.  Topics will include greenhouse gas emissions, upcycling, ecosystem services, and land use.  ...

  3. Farmland Preservation Summit Set for Jan. 17

    Registration is $50 and includes continental breakfast and lunch. Deadline to register is Jan. 10. More details ...

  4. Small fruit progress

    high performance liquid chromatography system and a MSQ single quadrupole mass spectrometer. This new ...

  5. OSU Extension Raising Animal Welfare Awareness

    statistical difference in cattle performance between concrete floors and rubber mats. However, Botheras ... but the animals as well." • Botheras is also leading a research study on the interaction between ... amount of research that points to a clear and consistent relationship between how dairy cows, pigs and ...

  6. News: Trio Grant Helps Boost Student Success

    the U.S. Department of Education. Through a highly competitive grant process, the program awards funds ...

  7. ENR Alumni, Family and Friends Holiday Gathering- Columbus, Ohio

    This year, the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) is hosting its annual ENR Alumni, Family and Friends Holiday Gathering at one of the Franklin Conservatory Aglow events. ...

  8. EPN Breakfast- Climate Action: Our Local Response to a Global Challenge

    The U.S. Global Change Research Program just released its Fourth National Climate Assessment. Some weather-related challenges in our region include impacts such as flooding, drought, and increases in urban heat islands. We know our climate is changing, so ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Parents, work together for sake of children (for Jan. 2009)

    your child. Continual outward conflict between parents, married or not, can be a cause of major stress ... her to pass messages between you and your co-parent. Never criticize or make negative comments about ...

  10. Get the Latest on Sudden Death Syndrome at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    compaction problems that prevent drainage. "Any factor that keeps the soil moist for an extended period ... can do to manage SCN will also help to manage SDS." The soil-borne pathogen that causes sudden ...
